Friday, September 5, 2008

Reason #24 to attend Mountain-Con: Klingons and Hobbits and Pirates, Oh My!

Reason #24 to attend Mountain-Con:
Klingons and Hobbits and Pirates, Oh My!

If the title feels a little bit like "The Wizard of Oz", there is a reason (pun intended). It's that we have so much going on during our event! But before we get to that, here are a few announcements:

  • Extended Deadline: Mountain-Con's latest discounted rate ($40 per adult/$20 per child for the 3-day admission) has been extended until September 12, 2008. Visit to get your discounted tickets. (Prices increase at the door.)
  • Banquet Price Reduced: We have decided to drop the price of our popular "Banquet With The Stars" from $100 per person to $85 per person. Remember, the Banquet includes a mix & mingle as well as a photo with the stars.

  • Auditions Class: Richard Herd, who has been a working actor for decades, is offering a 90-minute class on how to audition for jobs. This exciting opportunity to learn from a "name" in the industry is just $25 per person (with paid admission to Mountain-Con). The class will be held Sunday, September 21, 2008 at 11:00 a.m.

  • Salt Lake Area billboards: Mountain-Con has finally caught up with 21st Century advertising ideas and has purchased time on two electronic billboards this year. Because of the nature of these billboards, you can actually see our ads by going to the Digital Advertising Company's website: ... one in downtown Salt Lake City, the other in Sandy. (Just click the appropriate link.)

Now back to the Klingons...and the Hobbits...and the Pirates... and the Vampires... and Wookies... and the Justice League... etc.

Mountain-Con has a wide variety of things to see and do...things that will fit every taste. The schedule includes Question & Answer sessions from all of our guests, panels on everything from writing to film-making to world-building (for gaming and/or for writing) to games, and miniature contests.

Some of the panel titles include "I Need a Hiro" (a discussion of NBC Television's Heroes), "Pirates in Science Fiction" (enjoying pirate-based stories in the science fiction genre), "How to Write Fanfic That Doesn't Suck", "Sci-Fi Jeopardy" (a Jeopardy-like game with science fiction based answers), "What the Filk Is Going On?" (a discussion of filking), and "POTCO and DDO and W-O-W, Oh My!" (a discussion of massively online multi-player role playing games and their appeal).

Additionally there are Photo Ops with the individual stars, special screenings of "Star Trek: Of Gods and Men" and "InAlienable", the Banquet with the Stars, Sarah Douglas's special event "Resident Alien" and Richard Herd's auditions class.

None of the aforementioned titles includes our gaming schedule, our media room or our anime room, each of which is running without a break from open until close. This year our gaming chairs are proud to offer some special gaming tournaments, including a "Magic: The Gathering" tournament and "Living Forgotten Realms". (See our website for scheduling information under "About Mountain-Con" and then the appropriately named tab.)

We'll also have our costume contest/masquerade, dealer's room, a "meet the clubs" section, KidCon (for the under-twelves), and either a dance or karaoke.

If tradition holds out, many of the attending clubs will be throwing "room parties". This will be a time to get to know the individual clubs in and around the area. It is also a time to meet new friends and renew old acquaintances. It is also another reason to reserve a hotel room. (wink, wink)

To recap:

Reason #1 to attend Mountain-Con: "Because it's just that COOL!"

Reason #2 to attend Mountain-Con: Brandon Sanderson

Reason #3 to attend Mountain-Con: KidCon
Reason #4 to attend Mountain-Con: "Location, location, location!"

Reason #5 to attend Mountain-Con: Kevin Sorbo*

Reason #6 to attend Mountain-Con: Cool props

Reason #7 to attend Mountain-Con: Club Fahrenheit 451

Reason #8 to attend Mountain-Con: Sarah Douglas

Reason #9 to attend Mountain-Con: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Reason #10 to attend Mountain-Con: "We are YOUR people!"

Reason #11 to attend Mountain-Con: Herb Jefferson Jr.

Reason #12 to attend Mountain-Con: Banquet with the Stars

Reason #13 to attend Mountain-Con: Fan Film Festival

Reason #14 to attend Mountain-Con: "Starfleet Academy" classes at the Wasatch Campus

Reason #15 to attend Mountain-Con: Costume Contest & Masquerade

Reason #16 to attend Mountain-Con: Brandon Mull
Reason #17 to attend Mountain-Con: Mark Goddard*

Reason #18 to attend Mountain-Con: Richard Herd

Reason #19 to attend Mountain-Con: Scott Schwartz

Reason #20 to attend Mountain-Con: Victor Brandt

Reason #21 to attend Mountain-Con: SHINY! (New Stuff)

Reason #22 to attend Mountain-Con: David Reddick

Reason #23 to attend Mountain-Con: Penny Johnson Jerald

Reason #24 to attend Mountain-Con:
Klingons and Hobbits and Pirates, Oh My!

* Due to professional commitments, Mr. Kevin Sorbo is no longer able to attend Mountain-Con. Also, Mr. Mark Goddard has a personal conflict with our convention dates. Please stay tuned to our Web site for up-to-date information on replacements.

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