Friday, September 12, 2008

Reason #25 to attend Mountain-Con: Local guests and Friendships (old & new)

Reason #25 to attend Mountain-Con:
Local guests and Friendships (old & new)

Never attended a convention? Try Mountain-Con!

As evidenced by our previous "Reasons to Attend Mountain-Con", we'll have a variety of people, props, and professionals. Whether it is acting, model making, costuming, producing, or something entirely alien you can probably find it with us. And who knows, you may just be introduced to some new friends along the way.

Mountain-Con is a place for friendships. It is a place to meet new friends and to renew old acquaintences that you see only on the convention circuit. Whether it is meeting interesting people,finding that perfect club who shares your enjoyment of a particular genre, or getting to know a star of a favorite show, Mountain-Con has it.


We've spoken so much about the guests who are coming from out-of town in our previous "Reasons" that we've left out a whole group of our guests. Let's speak about guests who are local to Utah.

In addition to the two local guest authors we've already spoken of (Brandon Mull and Brandon Sanderson), Mountain-Con has invited several other local guests.

  • Paul Genesse is a registered nurse at a local hospital as well as an author. He has written several short stories published for anthologies and his first novel "The Golden Chord" was published this past April. Look for Book 2 soon!
  • JoSelle Vanderhooft's poetry tends to be on the macabre side. Her poetry and fiction have appeared in print and online in several publications. She has also been nominated for the Bram Stoker Award, the Rhysling Award and short listed for the Gaylaxtic Spectrum Award for her anthology "Sleeping Beauty, Indeed".
  • Rebecca Shelly is the author of the Red Dragon Codex and the Brass Dragon Codex. Look for Rebecca in several of our panels including "Twisting the Knife", "Foreshadowing", "Evil Overlords" and "How to Write Fanfic that Doesn't Suck".
  • Larry Correia, an "admitted B-movie nerd", is the author of "Monster Hunter International". Mountain-Con will be Mr. Correia's very first convention (at least as a guest), so do your best to help him feel welcome!
  • Eric James Stone is a science fiction enthusiast and political science major who loves creative writing. He has had several short stories published by "Analog" and "Phobos Books".
  • Anna del C. Dye is the author of "The Elf and the Princess". Anna will be on several panels at this year's Mountain-Con.

One last thing...

Mountain-Con begins in one week ... September 19, 2008. That date also happens to be "International Talk Like a Pirate Day".

If you decide to wear a costume that day, think about doing a pirate version ... you never know who will be watching.

To recap:

Reason #1 to attend Mountain-Con: "Because it's just that COOL!"

Reason #2 to attend Mountain-Con: Brandon Sanderson

Reason #3 to attend Mountain-Con: KidCon

Reason #4 to attend Mountain-Con: "Location, location, location!"

Reason #5 to attend Mountain-Con: Kevin Sorbo*

Reason #6 to attend Mountain-Con: Cool props

Reason #7 to attend Mountain-Con: Club Fahrenheit 451

Reason #8 to attend Mountain-Con: Sarah Douglas

Reason #9 to attend Mountain-Con: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Reason #10 to attend Mountain-Con: "We are YOUR people!"

Reason #11 to attend Mountain-Con: Herb Jefferson Jr.

Reason #12 to attend Mountain-Con: Banquet with the Stars

Reason #13 to attend Mountain-Con: Fan Film Festival

Reason #14 to attend Mountain-Con: "Starfleet Academy" classes at the Wasatch Campus

Reason #15 to attend Mountain-Con: Costume Contest & Masquerade

Reason #16 to attend Mountain-Con: Brandon Mull

Reason #17 to attend Mountain-Con: Mark Goddard*

Reason #18 to attend Mountain-Con: Richard Herd

Reason #19 to attend Mountain-Con: Scott Schwartz

Reason #20 to attend Mountain-Con: Victor Brandt

Reason #21 to attend Mountain-Con: SHINY! (New Stuff)

Reason #22 to attend Mountain-Con: David Reddick

Reason #23 to attend Mountain-Con: Penny Johnson Jerald

Reason #24 to attend Mountain-Con: Klingons and Hobbits and Pirates, Oh My!

Reason #25 to attend Mountain-Con:
Local guests and Friendships (old & new)

* Due to professional commitments, Mr. Kevin Sorbo is no longer able to attend Mountain-Con. Also, Mr. Mark Goddard has a personal conflict with our convention dates.

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