Thursday, September 18, 2008

Reason #26 to attend Mountain-Con: It's STILL that cool! (Because of you)

Reason #26 to attend Mountain-Con: It's STILL that cool! (Because of You)

As we said at the beginning of these "Reasons", Mountain-Con is just that COOL ... and it still is. The reason behind Mountain-Con's cool-ness? YOU!

Conventions such as Mountain-Con are just more fun when more people attend. In our four years of doing conventions we have seen our membership grow from just about 150 attendees (for our first, one-day only convention) to over 500 (last year).

Mountain-Con was started by a group of fans that wanted to share their fandom with like-minded people. The greatest thing about this whole adventure is that the more people that attend the convention, the greater the diversity and the greater the possibility that you (or I) will find a new fandom to fall in love with.

So spread the word, get your friends to share the gas & hotel room, and join us tomorrow (we already know you're coming). Who knows... you might just find yourself on the following podcasts:

  • Brandon Sanderson (Mountain-Con guest)
  • Kerry Jackson (X-96 DJ & Mountain-Con Emcee)
  • I-Sci-Fi (Mountain-Con supporter since before it existed)

... and to quote one of our regular attendees from Wyoming, "Because you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't come! Mwha ha ha!"

Note: Mountain-Con wishes to thank Mr. Kevin Sorbo and Mr. Mark Goddard for sending autographed photos for us to sell at Mountain-Con this year, even though they were unable to attend.


Final recap:

Reason #1 to attend Mountain-Con: "Because it's just that COOL!"

Reason #2 to attend Mountain-Con: Brandon Sanderson

Reason #3 to attend Mountain-Con: KidCon

Reason #4 to attend Mountain-Con: "Location, location, location!"

Reason #5 to attend Mountain-Con: Kevin Sorbo*

Reason #6 to attend Mountain-Con: Cool props

Reason #7 to attend Mountain-Con: Club Fahrenheit 451

Reason #8 to attend Mountain-Con: Sarah Douglas

Reason #9 to attend Mountain-Con: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Reason #10 to attend Mountain-Con: "We are YOUR people!"

Reason #11 to attend Mountain-Con: Herb Jefferson Jr.

Reason #12 to attend Mountain-Con: Banquet with the Stars

Reason #13 to attend Mountain-Con: Fan Film Festival

Reason #14 to attend Mountain-Con: "Starfleet Academy" classes at the Wasatch Campus

Reason #15 to attend Mountain-Con: Costume Contest & Masquerade

Reason #16 to attend Mountain-Con: Brandon Mull

Reason #17 to attend Mountain-Con: Mark Goddard*

Reason #18 to attend Mountain-Con: Richard Herd

Reason #19 to attend Mountain-Con: Scott Schwartz

Reason #20 to attend Mountain-Con: Victor Brandt

Reason #21 to attend Mountain-Con: SHINY! (New Stuff)

Reason #22 to attend Mountain-Con: David Reddick

Reason #23 to attend Mountain-Con: Penny Johnson Jerald

Reason #24 to attend Mountain-Con: Klingons and Hobbits and Pirates, Oh My!

Reason #25 to attend Mountain-Con: Local guests and Friendships (old & new)

Reason #26 to attend Mountain-Con: It's STILL that cool! (Because of You)

* Due to professional commitments, Mr. Kevin Sorbo is no longer able to attend Mountain-Con. Also, Mr. Mark Goddard has a personal conflict with our convention dates.

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